1. Claim Your Space - Okay this is classic dog training 101 but we are really bad with it. Havana is with us all the time whether we are watching a movie or going to sleep, she loves being right in on the action. But, we found out this is really just encouraging bad behavior and that in order to help keep her from thinking the baby is her personal heated stuffed animal, it is something that we needed to work on. Our trainer told us not to be afraid to claim your space because at the end of the day, a dog wants to feel safe and wants to be lead in the pack (despite what your dog may make you think). So, we've started small with claiming things like the couch, the doorway, etc... to try to keep her from unexpectedly jumping up when the baby is next to us.
2. Sleeping in the Bed - Now I know some people will disagree with me here, but our trainer told us it isn't necessary to kick Havana out of the bed. I get that some people think its disgusting to sleep with your dog in the bed and I do not judge...I also wonder if those people come home from the NYC subway and sit on their furniture! Anyways, Havana has slept with us since she was a puppy and does still to this day. Our trainer said if you have a dog with major anxiety that they absolutely should NOT sleep in your bed because it just encourages it. However, a dog like Havana, who is pretty independent but just loves to snuggle, is a different story. Dogs like this can sleep in the bed even when the baby arrives, but, you obviously need to take precautions. For one, if you plan to co-sleep with the baby, you should make sure you have something like a Dock-a-Tot or other boundary to place around the baby. Also, you can always kick the dog out of the bed periodically without making him/her feel bad (even though its going to make you feel awful). For us, we plan to have a bassinet in the room when the baby is small and won't have the baby sleeping in the bed the majority of the time, but, we also have started to work on giving Havana a space of her own off of the bed where she can feel comfortable but not left out. The trainer let us know that dogs, despite what we may think, don't really have the emotions that we as humans do in feeling "left out"...yes, they may give you those sad puppy eyes, but they aren't going to carry it with them for the next week.
3. Introducing the Nursery - One other thing we've done is try to introduce Havana to the nursery. Every time we work on it, we include her in the routine so she can become familiar with all of the new things in the room like the furniture, carpet, crib, etc. Before, our nursery was an office so she didn't really find it all that exciting, but now when she goes it, she goes crazy with excitement! It's almost better than a treat to her (I said ALMOST) and I know she will always be in there with me and the baby, just watching over everyone to make sure all is okay.
4. Baby Sounds - Playing baby sounds on our phone is another tip! Now she doesn't seem to be phased by them at all, at least right now, and this could totally be a product of growing up a "city dog" but this was one highly suggested thing from our trainer and from my research. There are apps, videos, and tons of sources where you can find every baby sound under the sun! Although you might not want to hear them yet, it will help your dog adjust, especially if he or she is a bit skittish.
5. The Day of Delivery - Another thing we had to think of was, what the heck do we do with her when we have to leave to go to the hospital, especially if its in a rush or in the middle of the night? Having a plan for this is crucial. Don't put it off! We've arranged for my cousin (who Havana adores) to watch her for the few days that we will be away. But the important thing is to leave the house as if nothing too crazy is happening...I know this is easier said than done....but she is used to us leaving during the day and having someone familiar to come watch her will help to keep her calm before her brother or sister actually comes home.
6. Baby Scents - Everyone knows dogs love to smell any and everything; its how they explore and learn. So, one of the biggest pieces of advice we've received is to bring home a baby blanket from the hospital with the baby's scent on it a day or two before you actually come home with your new bundle of joy. I think my husband will probably come home for an hour or so to do this and leave the blanket in Havana's bed or somewhere where she lays. That way, she can be familiar with the baby before it even comes into the house and it won't be such a shock to her.
7. Don't forget to LOVE - Now this might be obvious, but in the chaos of everything involving a new baby, it's so important to remember that you still have your fur baby and if he or she is anything like Havana or any toddler for that matter, excitement will be taking over. I know she is going to want to be involved in everything to do with the baby, she is extremely curious, and there may be some bumps in the road, but just like your new baby, your pup will still need affection and LOVE.